Freitag, 13. Mai 2022

"By the time you finish breakfast, you are dependent on the most of the world."

                "By the time you finish breakfast, you are dependent on the most of the world."

As a part of Erasmus+ project Mrs. Małgorzata Wróblewska-Jankowiak conducted workshops with  our students. Classes were carried out as a part of the international Erasmus + project "Transnational student mobility", the subject of which is related to the implementation of the sustainable development goals. Mrs M. Wróblewska-Jankowiak discussed the subject of conscious consumerism with young people in a very interesting way, encouraging students to express and discuss their ideas. " Exploitation - the hidden ingredient of chocolate", "Can poverty be a tourist attraction?" and "How much water do you have on you?" were just some of the issues discussed during the workshops. Workshops  made young people 

discover  how individual decisions change the world which we greatly depend on.

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