Montag, 16. März 2020

First day in C.C. Abad Sola

 We met early in the morning at C.C. Abad Sola and started the day with a tour around the school. We could visit various classrooms and meet other students and teachers. We spot the first differences among our schools and become more curious about the activities we were about to participate in. 

 Then all the students participated in ice-breaking activities. There was lot of fun and laughter:).

After the warm-up, each of the partner schools presented the activities conducted in mother schools on the topic of sustainability. Polish students had prepared a presentation which was showed to the whole group. 

Afterwards, we visited the town hall and had a meeting with Mayor of Gandia.  It was a valuable experience. 

Finally we admired the sculptures especially constructed for the festival of Las Fallas. It was a day full of positive emotions and energy with cultural and sport activities,

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